RAM Boost Master is a RAM memory optimizer. It optimizes your cache to act as a ram booster, boosts up your computer speed, frees up RAM memory and makes your computer faster and stable. It will compress physical memory and will recover used memory from Windows and other applications. It is an easy and powerful tool for both beginners and experts. RAM Boost Master boosts the physical memory available to Windows 2000/2K/XP. You don't need to reboot your computer anymore. Our application integrates both process and startup manager. It has an easy to use interface that will display information about free and used physical memory, free and used page file, CPU usage and clipboard content. You can use the schedule feature to optimize the memory when you are away from the computer.
RAM Boost Master is a high-performance memory manager; it Monitors your system and automatically optimizes it when needed without interrupting your work.
How can I make my PC faster?
-Using the software ..::RAM Boost Master::.. you can make faster your PC.
-you can optimizer RAM memory.